Saturday, September 7, 2013

Windows XP Search Companion window is completely blank

1. Re-register search companion files.
Login as Administrator
Click Start, Run.
Type regsvr32 /i %windir%\srchasst\srchui.dll
press ok.
Again repeat the step,
Type regsvr32 %windir%\system32\jscript.dll
press ok.
Message conveying successful registration of dll files should get displayed.
Log off & login.
Check search companion is restored.
If this does not work, re-install search companion.

2. Reinstall the Search Companion using Srchasst.inf
Click Start, Run.
Type %systemroot%\inf,
click OK
Locate the file named SRCHASST.INF, right-click and choose Install. Note that the file extension (.INF) is not shown in Windows Explorer unless the Hide extensions for known file types setting is disabled in Control Panel / Folder Options / View tab.
In the next step, you’ll be asked for the Windows XP CD (to extract msgr3en.dll and other files). Insert your Windows XP CD and point to the i386 folder in the CD. The i386 folder is usually located at the root of the drive (e.g. E:\I386). However, if you’ve installed SP1/SP2 or SP3 separately after installing Windows XP, you need to point to the "%windir%\ServicePackFiles\i386" folder when prompted.

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