Saturday, September 7, 2013

To save map drive permanently and attempt to restore it on each windows log on

To save map drive credential permanently and attempt to restore it on each windows log on

Step 1 - Go to My computer - Tools - Then select Map Network Drive
Step 2 - Select a Drive and type the UNC path in Folder which you want to map
               e.g (\\serversame\sharefoldername)
Step 3 - Check the box that shows Reconnect at log on
Step 4 - It's done, The map drive will show in My computer
Restart the computer and try connecting the map drive by double clicking on it. If it opens it's fine, else choose the command line to save credentials.

Open command prompt and type
"net use Z: \\telmktserver\sharename /persistent:yes /savecred" without quote

e.g  If you want to map morris share folder from ukserver machine then type below command in command prompt without quote and press enter, It will ask for user name and password, type the same. Then its done. Restart the machine to check.

"net use Z: \\ukserver\morris /persistent:yes /savecred "

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