Sunday, September 22, 2013

How to Turn on the Automatic Updates feature in Windows

Windows 7/Windows Vista: How to Turn on the Automatic Updates feature
  • Log in to your computer as Administrator
  • Click Start, point to All Programs, and select Windows Update
  • In the menu on the left, click Change Settings
  • Click the radio button for Install updates automatically
  • Click OK
Important: You can set the automatic download time for any time, day or night. Just be sure your computer is on at that time. (To avoid slow-downs, we recommend a time when you will not be using the computer yourself. The computer will need to be turned on, however.) If you set up Automatic Updates to notify you, or if you forget to leave your computer on, you will see a notification balloon. Click the notification balloon to review and install the updates. Be sure to click the balloon to install new update!

Windows 8: How to Turn on the Automatic Updates feature
  • Open the Charm bar
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Control Panel
  • Click on System and Security
  • Click on Windows Update
  • Click Change Settings in left Column
  • From the drop down menu, choose Install updates automatically (recommended)
Important: You can set the automatic download time for any time, day or night. Just be sure your computer is on at that time. (To avoid slow-downs, we recommend a time when you will not be using the computer yourself. The computer will need to be turned on, however.) If you set up Automatic Updates to notify you, or if you forget to leave your computer on, you will see a notification balloon. Click the notification balloon to review and install the updates. Be sure to click the balloon to install new updates!

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